The Nanjing Municipal Commerce Bureau Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
June 03, 2024
The Nanjing Municipal Commerce Bureau Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
The Nanjing Municipal Commerce Bureau Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
(Jakarta News) Zhou Weiliang, Secretary-General of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, Chen Zhikun, Permanent Honorary Chairman, Vice Chairman Xue Jingyong, Lin Songshi, Ji Guozhang and other directors, welcomed the deputy director of the Nanjing Municipal Commerce Bureau at 5:00 pm on May 30, 2024 (Thursday) at the club A seven-member economic and trade delegation led by Ha Mingrong, including Gao Ge, Director of the Land and Air Division of the Bureau of Commerce, and Feng Zuojun, Section Chief of the Port Comprehensive Division of the Bureau of Commerce, visited.
Xue Jingyong, Vice Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said that he would first like to welcome the visiting delegation led by Deputy Director of the Nanjing Municipal Commerce Bureau Ha Minrong! The arrival of Director Kazakhstan and his delegation has deepened understanding and established friendship, and brought new opportunities for cooperation and development to both parties. On behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, I would like to express my high respect and sincere wishes to Director Kazakhstan and all the guests present.
Xue Jingyong said that today we are holding a symposium here to discuss exploring cooperation space. We hope that Director Harbin will bring some entrepreneurs to follow up on his next visit. We also look forward to further understanding each other through this symposium to strengthen cooperation between the two parties in various fields such as economy, trade, culture, science and technology, jointly explore new cooperation models, deepen friendship, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.
As an Indian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association has been committed to promoting business cooperation and friendly exchanges between Indonesia and China. We believe that through joint efforts, this symposium can provide more business opportunities and cooperation models for enterprises in both places. We will actively play the role of bridge, provide chamber of commerce services, and provide necessary consultation and related assistance for Nanjing enterprises to invest and cooperate in Indonesia. Finally, I wish Director Harbin and his delegation a smooth, fruitful and complete visit.
Deputy Director Hamingrong said that our visit to Indonesia this time is mainly to further understand the latest local developments in the fields of economy, trade and other fields. Through this preliminary visit, we hope to enhance the economic and trade cooperation with entrepreneurs from Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association. exchanges and cooperation, seeing Indonesia's booming economy, will also bring more Nanjing technology companies to Indonesia for inspection and investment in the future, and sincerely welcome everyone to take the time to visit Nanjing, visit, invest and start business, and will We will provide you with the best possible help when investing in Nanjing.
After the exchange between representatives of both parties, Secretary-General Zhou Weiliang, on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, and Gao Ge, on behalf of the Nanjing Municipal Commerce Bureau, signed a memorandum of cooperation. Afterwards, representatives of both parties exchanged souvenirs and took photos.
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