The Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce visited Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce to Strengthen Cooperation
June 03, 2024
The Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce visited Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce to Strengthen Cooperation
The Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce visited Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce to Strengthen Cooperation
(Jakarta News) A delegation from the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce led by Shou Ziqi, Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce, including Vice Chairman Lin Kaiwen, Cao Wenjie, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce Yu Ruifen and others, will be held at 4 pm on May 24, 2024 (Friday) I came to the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 1:30 and was welcomed by General Chairman Zhang Jinxiong, Supervisory Committee Member Wang Zhenkun, Vice Chairman Lien Jiehao and Jiang Miaocheng, Vice Chairman Gao Pengcai, Ong Zuhui, Chen Weixian and other directors.
Zhang Jinxiong, General Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said that first of all, on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, I would like to express a warm welcome and sincere greetings to everyone.
Zhang Jinxiong said that as an emerging economy that attracts global attention and the only member of the ASEAN region with a GDP exceeding one trillion U.S. dollars, Indonesia has maintained steady and rapid economic development over the past decade, with the annual GDP growth rate remaining at 5% for a long time. above.  Against the background of the global economic slowdown, Indonesia's economic performance is still outstanding. In 2023, Indonesia's GDP will increase by 5.05% annually, and its total GDP will reach 20892.4 trillion rupiah, which is about 1.39 trillion US dollars.  At the same time, the GDP growth rate in the first quarter of this year reached 5.11%, which was the highest growth rate in the first quarter in the past five years.
With the successful conclusion of Indonesia's presidential election, President-elect Prabowo expressed his commitment to continuing President Joko's policies and projects, including infrastructure and downstream industries.  China will remain an important strategic partner for Indonesia to accelerate its sustainable growth.
Shanghai, as the economic center of China, enjoys an international reputation for its advanced urban planning, innovative technology industries and superior investment environment.  Today, we are very happy to welcome friends from the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce here. We sincerely welcome and sincerely invite Shanghai leaders and entrepreneurs to come to Indonesia to inspect investment and explore overseas markets.
Zhang Jinxiong pointed out that Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will, as always, actively assist and support the communication and exchange between our two countries, entrepreneurs and business associations in the two places, and promote close cooperation between the two sides in the fields of technological innovation, urban planning, environmental protection, cultural exchanges and other fields.  We hope that today’s exchange will spark new sparks in the cooperation between Shanghai and Indonesia and bring more opportunities and development space to both countries.   Finally, I wish the delegation a successful trip to Indonesia!
Shou Ziqi, Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce, pointed out that the purpose of this visit to Indonesia is firstly to gain an in-depth understanding of Indonesia’s market demand, industrial structure and policy environment, and to help Shanghai private enterprises combine their own advantages to find suitable investment projects to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results; secondly, to hope that Establish a normalized cooperation mechanism with Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to give full play to the advantages of both parties and promote the continuous deepening and development of cooperation between the two parties by clarifying cooperation goals and areas, strengthening project cooperation and economic and trade exchanges; third, the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce plans to explore the establishment of " "Shanghai International Sister Cities Chamber of Commerce Organization Alliance" sincerely invites Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to join the alliance to jointly promote the business communities of both parties to strengthen trade and investment cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, energy transformation, green economy, digital economy and other fields.
Shou Ziqi said that we will give full play to Shanghai's location advantages, industrial advantages and talent advantages to provide strong support for the cooperation between the two parties.  At the same time, we also hope to learn from your successful experience in development in Indonesia and jointly promote the in-depth development of China-Indonesia economic and trade relations.  We believe that through the joint efforts of both parties, we will be able to create a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win results.
After the exchange meeting, Vice President Lian Jiehao signed a memorandum of cooperation on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Yu Ruifen on behalf of the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce.  Afterwards, the leaders of both sides exchanged souvenirs and took photos
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