Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Welcomes The Delegation from Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone
June 03, 2024
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Welcomes The Delegation from Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Welcomes The Delegation from Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone
(Jakarta News) Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Lian Jiehao, Supervisory Committee Member Wang Zhenkun and other directors welcomed Lu Dongsheng, Director of the Jinqiao Administration Bureau of the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone Management Committee, at 11:00 a.m. on May 25, 2024 (Saturday) at the club. He led a 6-member delegation, including Wang Bin, deputy director of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Shanghai Pudong New Area, Jin Lijun, mayor of Caolu Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, and others.
Lian Jiehao, Vice Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said, First of all, on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, I would like to express my warm welcome and sincere greetings to all of you.
Indonesia and China are friendly neighbors facing each other across the sea. The two countries have had close economic, trade and cultural exchanges since ancient times. Since the beginning of the 21st century, economic cooperation between Indonesia and China has continued to deepen, whether it is frequent exchanges of visits between high-level governments of the two countries or people-to-people interactions. Or in trade, investment, infrastructure construction and other fields, our cooperation has achieved remarkable results. Last year, the trade volume between Indonesia and China reached US$139.4 billion, and China’s investment in Indonesia reached US$7.4 billion. China has been Indonesia's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years and ranked among Indonesia's top three investment sources for 8 consecutive years.
As the most important strategic partner of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", we have witnessed with our own eyes the pragmatism and deepening of cooperation and exchanges between Indonesia and China in all aspects over the past decade or so. Including the high-quality operation of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, a benchmark project of the “One Belt and One Road”, as well as the continued advancement of the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor” and the “Two Countries and Two Parks” projects, as well as the Chinese brands and Chinese brands that have successfully entered thousands of households in Indonesia. Products include high-tech products from Huawei, Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo and other companies, which are deeply loved by the Indonesian people. We believe that in the future, the friendly relations between the two countries will continue to deepen and the prospects for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries will remain broad.
Last year marked the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between Indonesia and China, as well as the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. As a bridgehead for China's high-level openness and high-quality development, the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone has achieved remarkable results in promoting free and convenient trade and creating a good business environment for investment and entrepreneurship after more than ten years of development. Today, the leaders of the Jinqiao Management Committee are able to visit Indonesia. We are very happy and sincerely invite the leaders and entrepreneurs of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone to come to Indonesia for inspections, exchanges and visits. We are willing to provide relevant support and convenience to everyone and actively play their part. The Chamber of Commerce serves as a platform and bridge to make positive contributions to the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and the prosperity of the economies of our two places. Finally, I wish all guests good health and success in their careers.
Director Lu Dongsheng pointed out that Jinqiao is an important carrying area for the development of Shanghai's automobile industry. In recent years, it has continued to develop new energy, intelligent connected vehicles and other fields to create a "future car" industry chain covering R&D and production, system integration, vehicle testing and other links. . He also briefly introduced that the Free Trade Pilot Zone was established in August 2013 and has become China's new experimental field. It has implemented a number of reform measures such as the transformation of government functions, financial systems, trade services, foreign investment and taxation policies, and will vigorously promote Shanghai's re-exports, Development of offshore business.
Lu Dongsheng said that entrepreneurs from Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association are welcome to invest and start businesses in Shanghai. The Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone will provide assistance to everyone's ability to invest in Shanghai, and will promote more Shanghai enterprises to seek cooperation opportunities in Indonesia, creating a better future for the two places. Make greater efforts for economic and trade development. At the end of the exchange meeting, representatives from both sides exchanged souvenirs and took photos.
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