Mayor Lu Zhicheng of Shenyang Led a Delegation to Visit Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
June 03, 2024
Mayor Lu Zhicheng of Shenyang Led a Delegation to Visit Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
Mayor Lu Zhicheng of Shenyang Led a Delegation to Visit Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
(Jakarta News) An 8-member delegation led by Mayor Lu Zhicheng of Shenyang City, including Chen Shuangwei, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office, Zhu Ling, Director of the Commerce Bureau, and Zhang Xiaofang, Director of the Investment Promotion Comprehensive Department, will be held at 11:00 am on May 27, 2024 (Monday) Visiting Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Club, I was warmly welcomed by General Chairman Zhang Jinxiong, Secretary General Zhou Weiliang, Supervisory Committee members Chen Bonian and Liang Yuanan, Vice Chairman Xue Tianzeng, Chen Xin, Shangxuan and other directors. Representatives from both sides had cordial exchanges and sought cooperation business opportunities.
Zhang Jinxiong, General Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, pointed out that first of all, please allow me to extend a warm welcome to all guests on behalf of the Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce!
Indonesia and China are both large developing countries and important emerging market countries. They have similar ideas and propositions, similar development stages, and highly complementary industrial structures. Under the strategic guidance of the leaders of our two countries, the relations between the two countries have made great progress, and the practical cooperation between the two countries has continued to achieve new results and new progress.
In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between Indonesia and China will reach US$139.4 billion, Indonesia's exports to China will reach US$74.2 billion, and Indonesia's imports from China will reach US$65.2 billion. China has been Indonesia's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years.
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association has always adhered to the founding purpose of "uniting Chinese business enterprises and promoting Indonesia's economic construction", and has contributed to promoting economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges between Indonesia and China, Indonesia and ASEAN, and other countries around the world.
Shenyang is an important industrial base in China with a solid industrial foundation, especially in the fields of equipment manufacturing, automobiles, aerospace, and information technology. It has rich experience and valuable resources. Today, Mayor Lu personally led a delegation to visit. We are very happy and look forward to more entrepreneurs from Liaoning and Shenyang visiting Indonesia and looking for business opportunities for cooperation.
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will, as always, provide necessary support and assistance for everyone’s exchanges and cooperation, and jointly promote the development of our cooperation.  Finally, I wish you all a successful trip to Indonesia and fruitful results!
Mayor Lu Zhicheng first briefly introduced the latest development of various industries in Shenyang. He said that the Shenyang Municipal Government is willing to establish a solid cooperative relationship with Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, work hard and with heart and soul to do practical things and solve problems for the overseas Chinese and overseas businessmen, and provide more convenient and more convenient and more convenient services for everyone to return to Shenyang to visit relatives, visits and inspections. With fast service and guarantee, we will become everyone’s confidant, considerate and warm-hearted person! The Municipal Commerce Bureau and the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office should take advantage of the good opportunity of this exchange to establish a close, smooth and efficient docking and exchange mechanism with Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, etc., and provide Indonesian services through regular online docking, group exchanges and other methods. Entrepreneurs in Shenyang will expand cooperation with Shenyang in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, culture, education, etc., build more communication platforms, provide more high-quality services, make everyone feel the warmth of home, and allow entrepreneurs to invest and start businesses in Shenyang with confidence. Comfortable development.
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