Shangyu District, Shaoxing City visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Exchanges and Strengthen Cooperation
June 03, 2024
Shangyu District, Shaoxing City visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Exchanges and Strengthen Cooperation
Shangyu District, Shaoxing City visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Exchanges and Strengthen Cooperation
(Jakarta News) A delegation of 6 people led by Jin Jinfu, the mayor of Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, including Feng Shikai, director of the Economic and Information Bureau, Jiang Jinxiang, director of the Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, Xu Huabiao, director of the Management Committee of Shangyu Cao'ejiang Tourism Zone in Zhejiang Province, etc. Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Club at 3 pm on May 17, 2024 (Friday), and was warmly welcomed by Vice Chairman Xue Jingyong, Deputy Secretary-General Xu Qunhao, Youth Department Director Yao Hanbin, West Java Branch Youth Department Chairman Zhou Jianbin and other directors.
Xue Jingyong, vice chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said that Shangyu District is an important area in Shaoxing City, known for its advanced manufacturing industry and prosperous economy. Your district focuses on high-quality industrial development and promotes the construction of a new development pattern, especially the construction of innovative districts and high-quality cities. Economic development not only promotes the growth of your district's gross production, but also provides more employment opportunities for local residents.
Xue Jingyong said that through this symposium, we look forward to further strengthening cooperation between the two parties in various fields such as economy, trade, culture, science and technology, jointly exploring new cooperation models, deepening friendship, and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results. As an Indian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association has been committed to promoting business cooperation and friendly exchanges between Indonesia and China. We believe that through joint efforts, this symposium can provide more business opportunities and cooperation models for enterprises in both places. We will actively promote the connection between enterprises from both sides, and will also actively provide chamber of commerce services to provide necessary consultation and related assistance for Shangyu District enterprises to settle in Indonesia. Finally, I once again extend my warm welcome to District Mayor Jin and his delegation and wish them a smooth visit.
Jin Jinfu, the head of Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, pointed out that he was grateful to Vice Chairman Xue Jingyong and other directors for their warm hospitality. This trip to Indonesia was for inspection and study, to further understand the development of Indonesia in various industries, and to encourage more Shangyu companies to go global. He hopes to explore more business opportunities in Indonesia and hopes that through this visit, cultural exchanges and industrial cooperation between the two places can be further strengthened.
When Jin Jinfu briefly introduced Shangyu District, he said that Shangyu is located on the south bank of the Qiantang River, with a total area of ​​1,362 square kilometers and a 16-kilometer coastline of the Qiantang River. It has a permanent population of 797,700 and governs 13 towns and 7 sub-district offices. The entire terrain presents a pattern of "five mountains, one water and four fields." Shangyu has a prominent location, obvious advantages, beautiful ecology, livable environment, high-quality industries, economic prosperity, people's livelihood progress, and social harmony. Through this exchange, we sincerely invite the directors of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to take the time to visit Shangyu and do sightseeing.
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